Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Stanley Cup Fever

It's official, Vancouverites are obsessed! The Stanely Cup playoffs are dominating discussions, dictating dining times, and disrupting daily routines. It's fun!

On Saturday, I noticed that people were having a picnic on top of the building across from our shop. Picnicing at 4:00 pm? Weird! Or it would be if those people didn't have to duck indoors at 5:00 precisely to catch Game 2 of the series (I'll refrain from discussing Game 3...).

We had our own outdoor dining experience that evening - a Stanley Cup Sushi Party.

Here are Christopher and Blair prepping for the dinner (Blair was testing for arsenic and strychnine I guess). Game on in the background, of course.

Christopher is decked out in a Smoking Lily/Japanese chef outfit - interesting style.

When it was time to head out to the picnic table we dragged a radio out to the backyard and listened intently through the rousing dinner conversations. We started the meal with raw oysters and then hand rolled a lot of sushi while also snacking upon burdock root salad and cold tofu, it was delicious.

After cheering loudly with all of our neighbours for the Canucks win in overtime, we gorged on Loaded Cookies from Chef Claire's, 3610 Main Street . Freshly baked from her frozen dough (what an awesome idea Claire!), these amazing cookies are fully loaded with all the good stuff (chocolate, ginger, dried fruits, nuts...yum). We added the accompaniments of Creme Brulee Ice Cream and Red Bean Mochi morsels.

Tomorrow night is Game 4. We expect to see you all rushing in for your Lily goods before 5:00. If you are out and about during the game, drop in for a visit. We'll be putting out new merchandise, tidying, restocking, tweaking displays and waiting for word on the score...

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