Today the studio is yet again in high production mode. Steph and I are having a "party." Every once and awhile there is a need for these parties. Trish comes in in the morning and announces "Today, there must be a coat party." And so we sew. Steph's got the bright pink ones, and I'm working on the brown. We have to stagger which step we're on, so that there's never a fight for the iron. That's not a very party like thing to do, fight for the iron. At the moment, because I have to write this, Steph is getting ahead of me... we like to pretend we're not racing, but deep down Steph and I are definitely racing. We wince when it's time for lunch... hold it in when we have to go to the bathroom. Must... sew... coats... Trish keeps peering over our shoulders and says "Are they done yet? Are they done yet?" She's just as excited as us to see the final product. Soon there will be brown and pink Donka Donka coats for you in stores!
Way to go gals - nice effort and enthusiasm! You are so cute and industrious!
We have loads of excited customers waiting for both the brown and the raspberry jackets. Looking forward to seeing them next week.
You guys are hilarious:p
Sounds like a bit of a slavedriver.
It's funny because it's true! <3
Oh no, I meant the Nicole and I racing part is funny because it's true....not the slavedriver comment. Eeek! Hah.
Mush, mush, girls!!!
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