Monday, July 12, 2010

Where I Live: Mount Pleasant, Vancouver

It amazes me if I take the time to sit on a bench, of which there are many around the hood, I get to enjoy, for a moment, the lives of not only the people in my neighbourhood but the wildlife we tend to forget about. Raccoons seem to be abundant and quite enjoy a good time in the sun, who knew? Not only have I enjoyed raccoons but also a family of skunks, with baby skunks in tow, and a lovely woodpecker that worked very hard on his home, outside our bedroom window for a month. Good job!

I’ve always been fascinated by the creativity of people's gardens and yards. Many an evening has been spent perusing the neighbourhood, commenting on houses and what they’ve done the place and their soundings. Recently on such a night, I was intrigued by, no, not the lovely bicycle decorated with lights and a bunch of flowers in the basket--no, it was the car in the backyard. With plants overtaking the roof and growing into the windows and a sprinkling of yellow flowers I got the feeling Mother Nature was gobbling up the car, taking back what was hers.

It's nice to know there are still hidden little gems out there where artists can have the space to work. My very good friend dabbles in the world of aerial silks. I went down the street to check out her work. Not only was she amazing but I thought the space was amazing as well. Not to worry, they had many safety measures and a well padded floor. I’m told the aerials are very good for core strength; all it did for me was make me scared hungry!

Lucky for me there is the Main St. farmers market at Main and Terminal. I purchased a bag full of peppers, kale, apples and a great pot of ready to eat salad. I could hardly wait to dig in--thanks local farmers! Bon appetite.

After my fill of salad I needed a good walk. What’s that in the distance? Oh, that’s just a fire spinner in the park. What a great capper to the evening. I love my neighbourhood.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Cathy, the picture of you and Pat with the lettuce is priceless...