The fabric finally arrived for our new jersey fall dress: hemp mixed with cotton in soft black, medium grey, or garnet. It is pretty awesome. Steph finished the samples this afternoon and production starts this weekend, but we need a name! Send us your suggestion and if we choose your pick, we will send you a dress. We need the name by Monday so the contest will close at midnight, November 7th.
This dress is so classic and I love the movement in the skirt.
I suggest for the name: beaux ideal
Seeing as it's a jersey dress, I thought I’d see waht would happen when I popped Trish and Smoking Lily into the Jersey Shore Nickname Generator. Curiously, for both, it came out with "The Princess of Paramus", and know what? I like it. Just like the dress.
I want to leave a few choices because 1) this dress looks like it would inspire me to dance, maybe even swing dance! So then either "Fox Trot Dress" or "The Jitterbug's got it".
Finally thinking about a few great women who inspire me and this dress looks like it would last like they do, I also like Bondar Dress for the first woman in space.
Thanks guys for the lovely clothes you are constantly sharing with the world.
Katie F
I too am going to leave a couple of ideas. The first is trying to be punny - Garden State dress, as in the new, jersey dress. Then the second is just pretty - Sharada, which is Sanskrit for "autumnal" and also another name for a Hindu goddess of knowledge, music and the arts. Big shoes to fill, but I have no doubt this dress will do the job!
That's "where" in Latin. I once wrote a poem in gr. 9 latin class... Ubi ist vacca? Ubi? ubi? Hic! Hic!
(Where is the cow? Where? Where? Here! Here!)
I did really well in that class. My teacher's name was Mrs. Barber. She was going through a tough divorce that year... sigh.
Anyway. Ubi.
Or Fifi. Just because that's a great name that people don't use often enough.
The Milo... has a ring, no?
Love your stuff!
This dress is cute and fun, like an e.e.cummings poem. You could call it "most this amazing dress" after his poem:
"i thank You God for most this amazing day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue dream of sky; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes"
Hmmm... "the yes dress"?
How about 'swing sister'...it has beautiful attitude and seems to want to swing and swirl.
As it is a fall dress, I propose to name it somewho autumnaly.
What about swallow dress. Or migrant birdie. Or kiteflying dress.
Its all about stuff in the air, about flying... as this is, what the dress makes me think about.
Nellie - for Nellie McClung... Its a strong but womanly dress.
The "Forget You!" dress. It's sassy and empowering. Just the right thing to put on to show an ex (lover, boss, friend) that you are doing fine without him/her. All with an eviable nonchalance that demonstrates your amazing sense of style. :)
The Socialite: this dress seems like it could take you anywhere! Dress it up, down, or sideways and you'll always look perfect
Mais Oui! (The "But Yes!" dress): I want to wear this with little gloves and eat delicious little pastries all while being incredibly comfortable
Ladydoll: An affectionate term a past partner always called me when I got dressed up. You feel like a lady but you look absolutely darling.
This dress looks nice enough that you could proudly wear it on a date but also comfy enough that you could impress your date with your ability to eat. I propose the EDF dress (Eat Drink Flirt).
Continuing on an eating theme, my husband read the description for the dress and noticed the "New Jersey" He proposes the "Pepper and Eggs Sandwich Dress" in honour of a certain New Jersey Drama "The Sopranos" :)
we know (from all the engaging conversations we have in the shops) that our customers are well read and interesting, but who knew you were so creative as well? Very impressive!
Thank you for all the suggestions thus far. I have no idea how Trish is going to choose one, they all made me smile.
I'm looking forward to reading more throughout the weekend.
"love me tender"
Since the dress is made of soft cotton and hemp, I would imagine it would feel beautiful against the skin, and the style looks like it would suit all body types.
The Lola dress
This dress looks like something that would be easy to pack and layer for a fall getaway to Italy...
The Vestito
(the Italian translation for "dress" - not to mention that the V matches the V neckline)
Ruth Y.
The "Some Like It Soft Dress"
For those of us who can't wear wool in the winter. We love this dress.
Brenda B
Neil Young's middle name.
It's beautiful! I suggest the name "Autumnonous" because it's a strong and independent dress to celebrate the last bit of fall in.
The ''Passe Partout'' is what I would call this beautiful dress . In French, une robe passe partout (the word literally means passes everywhere) is a dress than can take you anywhere- from casual to chic, day to evening...which is exactly what this versatile jersey dress promises.
my three suggestions are
the Frollick - a fall frolick dress
the Maynard - garnet always reminds me of winegums
the Emilie - check out this link to Emilie de Chaletet
but maybe she needs to be saved for a printed dress.
I'll suggest Midge, as in Barbie's best friend because we always need a good best friend dress and this is it. Not flashy or showy but comfortable and classic. The Midge dress, I like it :)
So cute and so versatile!
Fall on the west cost always makes me think about breaking out my Bond Girl boots from Fluevog for another season. And they would look great with that dress!
I suggest the Agent Amy Dress. Paired with Bond Girl Boots, there's nothing this dress couldn't do!
Concolour - this comes from part of the Latin name for cougar. We've had a few sightings in my neighborhood this week and I can't get them out of my head when I'm out walking around. Like the name, the dress is one colour and could be a fun play on words (or perhaps completely offensive!) for those of us of a certain age.
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