Thursday, February 4, 2010

Diana and the Ronstandt Skirt

Diana got the new Ronstandt Skirt swirling today. She's a fun girl, always up for Spring shoots on cold Winter days. Her happy energy fills our store and our clothing with positivity. And she's an inspiring animal rights supporter to boot. Aside from her continuous support of the SPCA and rescue dog organizations, she is always quick to save worms from getting tread on on the sidewalk or spiders and moths from a boring (or worse) fate indoors. Today as I walked across the street absorbed in my own thoughts, she noticed a Pidgeon's nest being knocked out of an awning and insisted on checking it out, and making a comment to the guy who destroyed a nest with an egg in it - while the mother Pidgeon watched. Disturbing. Good thing we had the swingiest skirt to play with and lighten our moods. Thanks Diana!

Many more new Spring items have arrived and are posted on the Smoking Lily website. Have fun perusing the photos, then stroll on in to the shops to feel the wonderful fabrics, see the cuts and prints, and sashay about in the Ronstandt Skirt in person. Yipee!

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