I have a few things that I will openly admit I am fully addicted to: hot dogs, Kevin Bacon's dancing in Footloose (well, pretty much any '80s dance movie), and fashion blogs.
My favorite hot dog stand is on the corner of Fort and Government street.
My favorite movie store is in James Bay (they also sell pet food and have the cutest dog ever that helps run the shop). If you don't have time to rent any of the epic '80s dance classics, I suggest Youtubing key scenes from the motion pictures--instant mood boosting activity.
Then there's my blog problem; my internet provider is ready to cut me off because I look at so many!
Jillian Crago - www.jilliancrago.com - A Vancouver-based stylist focused on giving her fans up-to-date, real, wearable ideas for fashion, style and, well, life. She's one to watch for sure and is the first blog I look at every morning.
Tavi - www.thestylerookie.com - A 15 year-old fashion blogger from Chicago, IL, there is so much to say about Tavi. She's smart as a whip and wears her heart on her sleeve. She lets you into her brain to discover what she's thinking. Definitely not your typical teenager, Tavi's a deep breath of fresh air.
Beckiy Weinberger - http://trunkofdresses.wordpress.com -This recent fashion design graduate and treasure hunter lives on the Sunshine Coast. She made it into Vancouver fashion week with her '30s inspired designs. Her fabulous Etsy account is full of vintage items that are to die for.
The End.
I hate 80's movies, though I love 80's inspired fashion. I'm designing in my head the perfect harem pants. Not sure if I am going to actually make them though.
The Style Rookie is one of my all-time favourite blogs. Exhibit A: '[....]will keep me from seeming like an obnoxious person who thinks they're in a Wes Anderson movie but actually just looks like a dumbass for making turtlenecks their "thing."'
I rest my case. And she's so young!!
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