As I was walking to work today, I spotted a heart on the pavement. As you may have surmised by now, hearts catch my eye--I can't help it! I spent some time bending over it trying to get my camera setting off a crazy colour switch mode and into regular mode. Should have had breakfast this morning, it took me longer than usual to set things up. As I'm clicking the shutter on the shot below (well hidden under my umbrella), I hear a concerned "Are you ok?" from behind me. Confusedly I straightened up and let the lovely women walking her dog know that, yes I was ok. She thought I was bending over with stomach pains, perhaps wretching up something from the night before. Hilarious! And nice to know that there are still Good Samaritans out there, concerned about a stranger's well being. Thanks Miss Samaritan.
So without recounting the myriad of thoughts flowing through my mind on the rest of the walk to work, here are some street photos I have taken in the last week, including the one from this morning.
Abandoned Heart

Granville Island Drainpipe

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