Aaaack! It snowed in Victoria yesterday and it's cold (well, cold for us!). Cold and slippery enough that our delivery guys may not be picking up the weekend shipment for Vancouver. Really!! I know it's sounds ridiculous, but it has happened on previous snow days.
So, in order to ensure that you have some fun times ahead sifting through awesome Lily garments this weekend we've decided to have a SNOW SALE! Select end of season items will be 50% off! And to be fair about the whole thing The Milkman's Daughter in Victoria is joining in on the sale (and yes, we are extending this offer to you lovely mail order customers as well!).
The sale will be in effect Friday through Sunday only. Here are some of the deals available:
Nightingale Capelet reg $102 sale $51

Button Skirt reg $126 sale $63

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