It has been 6 years since I last owned a motor vehicle. My ancient yet reliable mountain bike, my heavy yet cute cruiser bike and my own two feet have happily been my primary modes of transportation for that period of time. Living close to work helped stave off the need for anything more substantial than sweat powered locomotion. Then an offer presented itself....

My Dad bought himself a retirement present 7 years ago, this red Honda Del Sol. He had fun bombing around in the summers in the zippy convertible, as did anyone buckled into the passenger seat! Then, a couple of months ago, he and his wife decided that forcing their old bones in and out of a low riding sports car wasn't something they were really looking forward to this summer. The solution? Pass the car onto me!
I have to admit to being a little sceptical about owning a car when we first talked about it. I wasn't sure that I wanted back into the world of a bigger carbon footprint and relationships with car mechanics. I figured the sensible thing to do would be to try it out for a couple of months to see if I wanted it, and if not, I would sell it for them. Made sense to me then, but now, after just two days in the driver seat, I'm pretty sure this little machine is mine - that didn't take long!
But really, how was I supposed to resist, it's so cute!

Yeah! It has a nice big trunk!
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