Last week I was looking out our window when I noticed a woman wearing an apron walking along in the rain with an older gal. The younger woman was holding an umbrella for her companion and the two were deep in conversation as the older woman got into a car parked out front. I thought it was a little strange that the one gal was wearing an apron (even though some aprons are definitely nice enough to do just that!), but didn't put two and two together until I remarked aloud to Glenda, "Wow, look how perfect that lady's hair is;" she had just had it styled at the little shop a few doors down from us and they were walking her to her car so it didn't get ruined in the rain!
I don't know why, but seeing that really gave me the "warm fuzzies," as I like to call it. I suppose it just encapsulates, for me, the entire experience of working in a little boutique; you really get to know your clients and, well, you really care. It's so wonderful to feel you've gotten to know people and can pick out things that would be just the thing for them. It may seem silly, but having actual relationships with customers is just so rewarding. Otherwise, you might as well be a little automaton repeating something awful all day long ("Hi! Welcome to ____!" I think you all know what I'm talking about...).
OK, I'm getting pretty sappy here, but you should all come on down to our Vancouver Customer Appreciation Night on Thursday and see how sentimental I can get after some bubbly! But seriously, Smoking Lily customers are about the best there are--you guys are a truly fabulous bunch!
On another note, we now have the absolutely awesome Smoking Lily Undies in the shop: three colours, two sizes ($20). So cute! In case anyone is waiting, we also now have the velvet Pothole Skirt in two shades of green.
See you Thursday!
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