Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Vancouver Update: Rain, rain, go away...

As Glenda and I unpack today's shipment and watch the torrential squalls of rain outside, my thoughts turn to the gal on a unicycle I saw this morning as I got off the bus. She definitely had the bearing of a "commuter" cyclist, and it was yet another reminder of how awesome--and awesomely strange--this neighbourhood and our customers are. Wherever you are now, unicycle girl, I hope you are not out in this downpour!

Further to that "awesome customer" point, I've had the album Loaded in rotation at the shop for a little while now and cannot believe how many people stop and say, "Oh, wow, I love these guys!! You like them, too?!" Oh, I can't tell you how it brightens my day to hear that!

OK, on a purely "store business" note, I should mention that we currently have lots of the Garden State Dress in stock in Vancouver (including some x-larges!), exciting new hot pink Cape of Good Hopes, and some more keychains. For anybody waiting, we should also have lots of grey Velvet Pothole Skirts in by Friday, so don't worry!

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